Stem Cell Therapy: Let Your Body Heal Itself

Stem cell therapy, an innovative, non-surgical treatment for both joint and back pain, has become a viable alternative for pain relief without invasive surgery. Utilizing your own body’s stem cells, your body can in fact heal itself.

What are adult stem cells?

Adult stem cells harvested from your own bone marrow have the ability to develop into other types of cells. These special types of cells are able to multiply, regenerate and self-renew. This means they have the ability to form potentially any type of tissue in your body. Because of their ability to differentiate and form different types of cells, they can be used to treat many types of injuries and regenerate damaged tissue. 

In fact, stem cells have many capabilities.  They are known to create proteins that decrease inflammation and kill bacteria, they can save dying cells, as well as, differentiate into cartilage, bone and connective tissue.

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work?

After harvesting your bone marrow from your hip, it is placed into a special filter and spun down in a centrifuge. This separates the adult stem cells from the red blood cells and plasma. Once the bone marrow has been separated, the adult stem cells, along with other growth factors in the blood, are aspirated into a syringe. The concentrated stems cells can then be injected into the targeted area.

Who Is A Good Candidate?

A good candidate for stem cell therapy is someone suffering from joint or back pain looking to improve the quality of their life, someone that wants to avoid the potential complications of surgery or a person looking to use their body’s stem cells as a method to restore their body using it’s own regenerative capabilities.


Adult stem cells are being used to treat many types of chronic pain, arthritis, and degenerative disease of joints and the spine. Soft tissue injuries such as muscle, tendon and ligaments are also being treated with stem cell therapy,

Request a consultation

Call today if you think you might be a candidate for stem cell therapy to book an appointment for a consultation. Stem cell therapy could give you the relief you are looking for!